15 Aug 2016

Pagan Sabbats

There are eight Sabbats that make up the Wheel of the Year. The Sabbats are solar, seasonal and represent the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. They are: Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltain, Litha, Lughnasadh, and Mabon.

Samhain / Halloween: October 31 

Greater Sabbat / Cross Quarter. Colors: Orange & Brown. Symbols: autumn fruits.
Notes: This is the day that the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is at its thinnest. At dinner, remember to set a place for your loved ones that have past this year. Leave an offering of food and drink on your door step for those souls that may still wander. Pagan lore is that the Lord dies and awaits rebirth at Yule.

Yule / Winter Solstice / Christmas: December 21 

Lesser Sabbat / Quarter Day of Christmas. Colors: Purple or Dark Green
Symbols: Holly, mistletoe, pine branches, pine cones, wreath.
Notes: Shortest day of the year. God reborn: see the-ancient-meaning-of-christmas. Yule log is decorated with evergreen and lit at sunset and burned until sunrise. Celebration of family and friends, peace, love and positive energy.

Imbolc / Candlemas / Brigits Day: February 1 or 2 

Greater Sabbat / Cross Quarter. Colors: Pink or Pale Green. Symbols: Candles and Brigid Cross.
Notes: First planting of spring. Ritual fires are burned. A time for birth, healing and inspiration. This is a popular time for vows of dedication or consecration.

Ostara / Spring Equinox / Easter: March 21 

Lesser Sabbat / Quarter Day of  Lady Day. Colors: Light Green. Symbols: Spring flowers.
Notes: Light overtakes dark. Rebirth of life. Contemplate new beginnings and fresh ideas, hopes and dreams for the coming year. Solar festival of fire, light, and fertility.

Beltane / May Day: May 1 

Greater Sabbat / Cross Quarter. Colors: White, Red and Pink. Symbols: Spring flowers (especially the rose).
Notes: Fire and fertility festival. Jump over fire to ensure protection. Dance around the May Pole. Ring bells to scare away bad spirits. Time for appreciation and affection for all that you have been given in your life. End of spring planting. A time for new beginnings, concepts and ideas. In pagan lore the Lord and Lady consummate their relationship.

Litha / Summer Solstice: June 21 

Lesser Sabbat / Quarter Day of Midsummer. Colors: White and Pale Yellow. Symbols: summer flowers.
Notes: Longest day of the year. Remember that nothing lasts forever. Celebrate abundance, fertility, virility, beauty, and the bounty of our earth.

Lughnasadh / Lammas: August 1 

Greater Sabbat / Cross Quarter. Colors: Gold and Bright Yellow
Symbols: Summer flowers, nuts and grains
Notes: Festival of life and bounty, harvest and death, the complete cycle of life. Fire and light festival. First grain harvest. Feast dedicated to Earth Mother. Count your blessings.

Mabon / Autumn Equinox / Harvest Festival: September 21

Lesser Sabbat / Quarter Day of Michaelmas. Colors: Dark Brown and Red. Symbols: Harvest Foods
Notes: Second harvest festival. Celebration of thanks for the crops that were harvested. Dark overtakes light.


1 comment:

  1. Lady Day is also known as the Annunciation, the day Gabriel told Mary she was with child. It's 9 months before Christmas.
