29 Oct 2019

Derrick Jensen on transgender

Derrick Jensen is one of my favourite radical environmentalists and I am glad to find that, in the transgender controversy, he is on the side of women who disagree that biological males who identify as “transgender” are women. Here is a link to a response by Derrick Jensen to a feature by John Stoltenberg on Andrea Dworkin (response and feature both from 2015): genderdetective.wordpress.com/category/queer-theory

16 Oct 2019

Bernard Jenkin and climate change

Bernard Jenkin, MP for Harwich and North Essex, has generally voted against measures to prevent climate change according to theyworkforyou.com and source data on PublicWhip.org.uk.

Committee on Climate Change

The UK Gov Committee on Climate Change (CCC) July 2019 report states

Eleven years to limit climate change catastrophe

As reported in the guardian one year ago, the October 2018 report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that we had 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, that is, to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5C.