20 Feb 2023

Qwoke Youth and Wise Elders - the Quaker Gender War

This post starts with a long, negative criticism of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and, I’m glad to say, ends with a positive affirmation of where we could be heading.

The bad old news is that many Quaker Meetings have taken decisions over the last few years not to hire their meeting rooms to people who wish to discuss gender issues.

16 Feb 2023

Masculinity, toxic and otherwise

This post compares two thinkers on the topic of masculinity and whether it is, to coin a phrase, toxic or not. They are Will Storr and Richard Wrangham.

3 Feb 2023

Celebrating Colchester's City Status

Jumbo on the Hill

The people of Colchester are so proud of their one and only hill that they have named it four times: from the south it is Headgate, from the west, Balkerne Hill and, from the other two compass points, it is North Hill and East Hill.