20 Jan 2023

Moonage Daydream of gender-bending David Bowie

Moonage Daydream is a brilliant audio-visual collage of David Bowie’s life and art, mainly his life as a performer from Ziggy Stardust to Let's Dance: the 1970s to 1980s, that is. Directed by Brett Morgen, it showcases Bowie's many talents besides being a singer-songwriter with mercurial and chameleon-like charisma: his dancing and mime and painting skills and all-round creativity.

I should declare that my sister’s best school-friend’s mum was good friends with David Bowie’s mum in Boring Beckenham where we grew up together - not Cool Brixton, as Bowie claims (yet again) in this film - so I practically knew the guy!

16 Jan 2023

Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen Hicks

Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault by Stephen Hicks, Professor of Philosophy – recommended by Jordan Peterson – is free to read as a PDF and listen on audio at www.stephenhicks.org/explaining-postmodernism

Here are extracts from the Introduction about postmodern ‘Critical Legal Theory’ and the postmodern view of education.

15 Jan 2023

Cancel culture and gender ideology in the Green Party

This is an extraordinary story of how an ordinary Green Party member was cancelled and suspended over alleged transphobia and anti-semitism in 2021 - for trying to assert women’s and children’s rights in a party that has been captured by gender identity ideologues.

My story is not unprecedented. The trouble has been brewing since at least 2016 (as I outline in Gender identity politics in the Green Party below).

My cancellation started in January 2021 when my 'gender critical' Green Space discussion page was abruptly deleted by the party’s chief exec. This was followed in February by complaints against me that led to a ‘no-fault suspension’ (NFS) for 'transphobia' and 'anti-semitism'.

That, gentle readers, is the short read. Please allow me to introduce myself and recount this sorry tale.

11 Jan 2023

Quaker bookshop suppresses books by Quaker philosopher

Since 2018 the Quaker Centre Bookshop at Friends House in London has been suppressing gender-critical books by Heather Brunskell-Evans

8 Jan 2023

trans day of remembrance for LGBT persons murdered by other LGBT persons

Just watched Maria MacLachlan’s YouTube entitled Handmaid's tale #3: Scott McLaughlin and noticed two comments:

  • Jen Woo: I wonder if his name will be swelling the ranks for 'trans day of remembrance'
  • dragonfox 2.0: will he be in the trans day of remembrance? god knows no trans "woman" should ever die

This sparked an idea, which is based on Counting Dead Women, the annual list published by Karen Ingala Smith, and which I’d like to outline here and ask: what do people think?

6 Jan 2023

autistic teenager's hate-crime of questioning transgender PC

In February 2020 in Mold, North Wales, Declan Armstrong, 19, was convicted of using abusive or insulting words to cause harassment. He had asked if a transgender police officer “was a boy or a girl”. See www.womenarehuman.com/autistic-teen-found-guilty-of-hate-crime-for-asking-police-officers-sex-autism-group-condemns-prosecution