30 Mar 2023

Quakers and Mermaids and me

Quakers have been slow to realise the dangers of the transgender craze that has been gathering pace for about a decade now in the UK and the West generally. It is mutilating and sterilising physically healthy young people and putting them on cross-sex hormones for life. It is a phenomenon that is as wanton and inhumane as it is unexpected and generally ignored. 

15 Mar 2023

Is Dr Adrian Harrop a secret Terf?

Dr Adrian Harrop is the GP who made a fuss to Liverpool Council about KJK's Adult Human Female poster. He won round 1 by getting the 'transphobic dog-whistle' removed, but lost the bout in that the surrounding publicity brought KJK's Adult Human Female message to many more people's attention than one poster in Liverpool could ever have done. Trans Central must be wondering if Dr Adrian is a secret Terf! 

13 Mar 2023

Detrans Awareness Day on 12 March but not on LGBT Calendar

#DetransAwarenessDay, which is annually on 12 March, is omitted from the pinprick.shop 2023-lgbt-calendar. How odd. But hey, it's probably nothing compared to International Pronoun Day on the third Wednesday in October or Gay Uncle Day on second Sunday in August.

3 Mar 2023

LGB vs TQ+


I posted this on my Fakebook this week and one of my FB friends asked me to explain what it was about. Some artists eschew queries about their work but they're the pretentious ones and I'm not one of them.