6 Nov 2016

World War Two: a just war?

See www.newleftproject.org blog of 19 February 2014 by Ian Sinclair, which notes how World War Two in the Pacific and Middle East was an imperialist venture and how Churchill and Stalin carved up South East Europe in 1944.

It was a war for democracy only in the narrow sense of fighting the Nazis in Europe. After 1945 Britain opposed democracy in India, Kenya and elsewhere in its Empire. 

It was not a war to help the Jews: the destruction of the European Jewish population was not a central concern of the US and UK governments.
As to the Just War principle of proportionality - generally considered to mean that war should be waged according to military objectives and not target civilians or use excessive force - there were the Allied terror bombing of Dresden, Hamburg and Tokyo and the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, used in the knowledge that Japan was close to surrendering.

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