9 Jun 2018

Colin Ward

Colin Ward (1924-2010) wrote Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction in 2004 (one in the Oxford VSI series).

Ted's Review on Goodreads in 2011 quotes Colin Ward and his friend, Ken Worpole, thus:
"Historically, anarchism arose not only as an explanation of the gulf between the rich and the poor in any community, and of the reason why the poor have been obliged to fight for their share of a common inheritance, but as a radical answer to the question ‘What went wrong?’ that followed the ultimate outcome of the French Revolution." [Ward]

"In Anarchy in Action (1973), [Colin Ward] set out his belief that an anarchist society was not an end goal. … Colin saw all distant goals as a form of tyranny and believed that anarchist principles could be discerned in everyday human relations and impulses. Within this perspective, politics was about strengthening co-operative relations and supporting human ingenuity in its myriad vernacular and everyday forms." [Worpole, Ward’s obituary for the Guardian]
I am intrigued by the idea of “all distant goals as a form of tyranny”.

Ted's Review goes on to provide a chapter by chapter review of Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction.

Ken Worpole also wrote an obituary for Ward in opendemocracy.net

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